About Siddharth Polytechnic

Hon'ble. Late Umajirao Sanamadikar

Shri. Umajirao Sanamadikar Medical Foundation Jath was established on 2004. Registered charitable trust at assi. Charity Commissioner, Sangli. Shri. Umajirao Sanamadikar aimed at a importing education to the rural area. Hon. Shri. Umajirao Sanamadikar the president envisioned a bright future for the rural students. Also there ate people is very poor, they need help of Medical & also Hospital that why we was started Kamal Orthopedic Centre in Jath 2004. And that time we decided to developing our taluka.
Siddharth Polytechnic, jath is established in the year 2009. Siddharth Polytechnic, Jath is one of the oldest Polytechnic college in jath taluka under Shri Umajirao Sanamadikar Medical Foundation's.
In SPJ (Siddharth Polytechnic jath) provided various courses like Diploma in Computer Engineering, Diploma in Civil Engineering, Diploma in Electrical Engineering, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering etc. The chairman of the college is Shri. Umajirao Sanamadikar.
To Facilitate transformation of students into good human beings, responsible citizens and competent professionals, focusing on integration, generation and publication of knowledge.
1) Impart quality education to meet the needs of profession and society and acheive excellence in teaching-learningand research.
2) Atract to Develope talented and commited human resource and provide an environment for innovation, creativity, team-spirit and enterpreneurial leadership.
3. Establish effective interactions among faculty and students and build networking with parent, alumini industries and other institutions.
4. Practice and promote high standreds of proffesional ethics, trancperency and accountability.

Prof. Renuka Guru Vaggoli

Bharat Banda Sable

Kamal Umajirao Sanamdikar

Vaishali Kailas Sanamdikar